
Do not adjust your screen

Just a test to make sure my photo uploading is in effect. And to expose you to Tony Meola (circa 1990) sporting what may possibly be the greatest American mullet of all time.

While on the subject of soccer, there were some Champions League matches played in Europe today. Unfortunately, most of the wrap-up articles are totally focused on the fact that the AC Milan-Inter Milan match had to be abandoned because Italian fans are idiots. I love soccer, and hate that the media in this country tends to jump on every example of hooliganism in Europe, but this is becoming a serious issue that needs a spotlight shined on it. Violence, racism, fascists demonstrating during the games; there's a lot of issues that need to be addressed with regards to Italian fans, and maybe it's time for FIFA to take a hard look at the Italian Federation.


Mike said...

No, no, no. Doug had the 1994 version of Tony's haircut. It involved a ponytail, not a rat tail.

Todd - MyFlightBlog.com said...

I am pretty sure I used to have that guy as a roomate.