
No surprises

Well, as I figured, League was a complete disaster. I turned it off after 20 minutes and watched a couple episodes from Season Four of The Simpsons, highlighted by the "You Choo-Choo-Choose Me?" episode (#415). Good stuff.

As you may have heard by now, Britney has confirmed on her rather pretentious website that she is, in fact, pregnant. This news makes me very excited because it's an opportunity for The Superficial to spew some more bile in her direction. Nothing's up yet, but the news is fairly new. Or maybe it's just too easy a joke.

I've been spending some time with my new CDs today, and so far, I'm most pleased by M. Ward's Transistor Radio. This mellow, old-timey set feels like it would be a perfect album for a warm summer's afternoon, but holds up just as well on this cool and rainy spring evening.

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