
Hello Helvetica

I have to admit, Jay-Z took a long time to grow on me (I think it had something to do with his use of the most annoying hook in the history of rap), but the longer he sticks around, the more respect I have for the guy. Talk about a master of personal branding. From the moment he decided to go with this whole hip hop Rat Pack thing, he’s projected such a fully-developed, well-thought-out image, from how he dresses to who he collaborates with to how his videos look. I’ve definitely got a soft spot for well-done typography motion graphics, but this video works especially well because the Helvetica fits perfectly with Jay’s back-to-basics classic style, as well as nodding to the New York public transit signage prominently featured all over Brooklyn. Given his attention to detail, I’ve got to think Jay had something to say about that choice as well.

Jay Z - "Hello Brooklyn" from Gregory Solenström on Vimeo.


Like chocolate and peanut butter

Two great tastes that taste great together: words by Nick Hornby, music by Ben Folds. For fans of either, mark Sept. 28 on your calendars.