
The time suck to end all time sucks

It's called Halo2 on XBox Live. It's fun when you play with friends. Not so fun when you're getting your ass handed to you by a pack of 12-year-olds speaking some strange combination of English, hip-hop, and mumble. But either way, if you're looking for a way to kill 6 or 7 hours a day, sign yourself up.


Google again

So I changed my search terms from Michael to Mike, and after discovering a lot more people I share my name with (including a German guy who fronts the Mike Leister Band--respect!!) I finally found a link to me. Scroll down the page to 47D.

After further investigation, I've discovered that the Mike Leister Band is awesome!!! (Of course I mean awesome in a horribly cheesy, David Hasselhoff-loving German way.) Listen to a clip of one of their songs.


Googling myself

Minds out of the gutter, people. Curiosity (and boredom) will lead you down strange paths. I've discovered that I share my name with a motorcycle racer, the curator of the Air Mobility Command Museum at Dover Air Force Base, a radiology support associate at Penn State's Medical Center, the webmaster of The Official Website of Boyerstown Bears Wrestling, a Pennsylvania farmer who died from drinking too much, Manager of Fuels Technology at Marathon Ashland Petroleum, one of the "Local Sporting and Theatrical Heroes" supporting a Campaign Against Litter in Galway County, Ireland, and a whole bunch of guys who show up on German and Austrian websites. No sign of this blog, a fact that doesn't bother me at all.

But more interesting than all of that, there's a Leister on Leeds United's roster. Mad football skills must run in the family.


Marathon Man: Epilogue

11:51 pm: Love these movies slightly less, due to the soundtrack being stuck in my head. Have a feeling it will be there for several days. Inability to think without hearing thoughts in Gollum/Smeagol voice also slightly annoying.

Marathon Man Part 2

Well, I've survived, and barring the exhaustion that comes with sitting on your ass all day, I'm none the worse for wear. Here's a synopsis of the marathon.

10:07 am: Aaron arrives with Starbucks. Begin filling my belly with a Grande Vanilla Latte and two Krispy Kremes.
10:20 am: Tony arrives with red beans & rice and cornbread, a gift from his wife.
10:27 am: Start first disc of Fellowship of the Ring.
12:15 pm: First disc ends with the Ring in Rivendell and the Fellowship chosen. All hungry, so we open a bag of Sour Cream and Cheddar Baked Ruffles, heat up the red beans & rice and cornbread, and start a Digiorno Four Cheese pizza cooking. Up my caffeine quotient with a Coke.
12:22 pm: Start the second disc.
12:47 pm: Fellowship trapped in the snow on Caradhras. Pizza's ready. Have two slices.
2:11 pm: Fellowship of the Ring ends. Frodo and Sam cross the river. Merry and Pippin captured by orcs. Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli in pursuit. Boromir dead, and Gandalf presumed so. Discover sitting on couch and eating is thirsty work, easily solved by a few glasses of water.
2:14 pm: Play with my audio setup and realize there was no sound coming from rear speakers for entire first movie. Fix it.
2:20 pm: Start The Two Towers. Open a bag of mini candy bars (Twix, Milky Way, 3 Musketeers, Snickers).
2:21—3:33 pm: Eat 8-10 candy bars. First disc seems to drag. Lots of exposition.
3:34 pm: Start feeling sleepy. Consider briefly closing my eyes, but decide that would feel like quitting.
4:08 pm: First disc ends with Frodo and Sam captured by Faramir. Eat another slice of pizza.
4:18 pm: Have another Coke to try to wake up. Also, feel like we need to eat something marginally healthy, so break out the veggies and dip. Start second disc of Two Towers.
4:33 pm: Battle between Riders of Rohan and wolf-riders causes makes me want to "wolf" down more Ruffles. Ha-ha. Sense of humor seems to be affected by too much food.
5:08 pm: Start to nod off. Hope Helm's Deep battle scene begins soon.
6:08 pm: Second disc ends with Battle for Helm's Deep won and Gollum's plans to betray Frodo and Sam in place. Dinner break. Tony and I play guitar while Aaron runs home to let the dog out. He picks up Wendy's on the way back. Movie experience much better when rear speakers work.
6:56 pm: Inhale a double cheese, Biggie fry and yet another Coke.
7:01 pm: Start first disc of Return of the King.
7:10 pm: Saruman's death scene coincides with more candy bars.
7:25 pm: Pippin steals the palantir from a sleeping Gandalf. Applaud his curiosity by eating more candy.
8:51 pm: Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli on the Paths of the Dead. Ass begins to feel sore. Mental note: need more comfortable chairs for the living room.
9:08 pm: First disc ends. Minas Tirith under siege.
9:13 pm: Start second disc. Too full to eat anything else.
9:34 pm: Trolls breach gates of Minas Tirith. Frodo stung by giant spider. Pause when Tony's wife calls. Seems like a good time to start drinking beer.
9:48 pm: Finish my beer as giant elephants begin wreaking havoc in Battle of the Pelennor Fields. Decide at this point that getting the rear speakers working was excellent move. Also decide that drinking and fast-moving effect-heavy scenes may not be the best mix.
10:43 pm: Ring is destroyed. Barad-dur topples. Think about having another beer, but am finally in a comfortable position on couch. Choose not to get up.
10:47 pm: Ending #1.
10:49 pm: Ending #2.
10:53 pm: Ending #3.
11:09 pm: Ending #7, and the credits roll. Not as tired or sick of movie-watching as expected. Love these movies even more.

Marathon Man

Let the nerdfest begin! In about 45 minutes, several co-workers/significant others will be joining me for a back-to-back viewing of the three Lord of the Rings Extended DVDs. We've loaded in quite a bit of food and drink since this will be an all-day event, so just for kicks, I'll be documenting my gastronomical adventures throughout the day. I'm curious to see what will give out first: my eyes, my stomach, or my couch.


Musical Pi

Here's the latest in my continuing quest to highlight people with too much time on their hands: someone has created a program called the pi10k experiment. You pick ten notes on a musical scale, and the program will then play you a musical representation of the numerical pi to the 10,000th decimal. Incredibly nerdy, and yet strangely fascinating. Enjoy.