Slowly but surely, I'm working my way through the six discs of Freaks & Geeks. It really was an amazing show, and if I spent much time thinking about the fact that they only got to make one season (and didn't even get to air all the episodes), I'd be really upset. So I'll just think about something else, like this weekend's US-Mexico World Cup Qualifying clash. Aside from the bitter rivalry and regional bragging rights that are always at stake in this matchup, there's the added bonus that if either team wins on Saturday, they clinch a berth in next year's World Cup. As if this game needed any more spice.
Gas is anywhere from $2.99 to $3.29 a gallon here (which is not as bad as Georgia). Good thing we're fighting that war so that we can stabilize the Middle East and gas prices can come down.
On a more serious note, all of my usual kvetching seems a lot less important after watching what's going on in the Gulf States following Hurricane Katrina. Part of me thinks that if you live in a city that's below sea level, you'd have to be pretty stupid not to to know this was coming at some point, but it's hard to be so callous when you see the coverage of the devastation and the disgusting parasites who are preying on the victims and looting the wreckage. I do think it's important to donate money, even if it's not much. Luckily, my company is matching donations up to $25,000. Don't think I'll be writing a check for quite that much, but it's nice to know what I do give will have twice as much impact.
I had to leave Starbucks this morning because I started to cry reading the NY Times coverage of Katrina. It's disgusting that we can't take care of ourselves. Many of those people had no place else to go, no way to get there, and no money to try. Clinton couldn't help but smirk when Sri Lanka offered us $$ for help. Pathetic.
Armed gangs raping, looting and killing? Snipers firing at medical personnel and police? Is this New Orleans, or Baghdad? Hopefully, this will serve as a wakeup call to the Bush administration that maybe we should start looking after our own citizens before we go halfway around the world trying to "improve" other people's lives.
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