
Dammit, Jim! He's a ham, not an actor!

Let me begin by saying that despite my all my nerdly glory, I am not now, nor have I ever been, a Star Trek fan. Sure, I appreciated Wrath of Khan, and I admit to having watched a season’s worth of Next Generation episodes. I can even throw out the occasional pop culture reference when I need a subject line (although I should credit my friend Tony for this one). But mostly, I find the show and all its consecutive movies and spinoffs to be overwrought and campy.

That said, there’s something about William Shatner that I find to be completely awesome. Overwrought and campy describes him perfectly, but in him, I don’t find it offensive. Instead, I find it endearing, mainly because he has such a great sense of humor about himself. He knows better than anyone that he’s coasting on the strength of an almost 40-year-old series, and he embraces his past with open arms. So when I read the list of Emmy winners this morning and saw that Bill had won a Best Supporting Actor statue for his work on Boston Legal, I couldn't help but feel a little bit of satisfaction for the man. Somewhere out there, Trekkies are firing off their phasers in celebratory fashion. Hopefully, they’ve got them set to stun.

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