The harsh realities of life for the American soccer fan. We are barely third-class citizens when it comes to TV.
Keeping with the soccer theme:
usually, the theatrics come from the players.

If you were in junior high or high school at any point during the 80's, you will appreciate
Freaks & Geeks. You knew these guys (or you were them, in some of our cases). Do yourself a favor and rent
the DVDs. Once you've finished with high school, move on to college with
Undeclared, from the same creators and almost as good. Not surprisingly, neither show lasted a full season because the networks needed to free up a time slot for Surviving the Amazing Surreal Queer Factor Apprentice of the Real Biggest Loser Rules, or whatever the current crap-ass flavor of the reality week was at the time.
I took Freaks & Geeks out of the library last year about this time and watched every episode back to back without a break. I always loved that show and couldn't believe it was canceled.
There is no way to convey to you how much the "Lady" serenade reminds me of my own high school experience, except to say that I owned an army jacket, had hair exactly like hers, and was permanently scarred by a boyfriend on stage at a coffee house talent show dedicating a Led Zeppelin tune to me. I'll have to check out Undeclared.
I hope you get to watch your football in English...
I can understand ESPN wanting to get a full schedule of college football being the first real weekend of the season. But, choosing Battle Lines: Billy Conn/Joe Louis I (boxing) over the WCQ is a mistake.
No kidding. Anybody who really wants to watch that fight has a dusty old Super-8 of it already.
Which Zeppelin song, jsa? I'll put it on your next mix. :)
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