
In case there was any doubt...

... I am a giant-sized Nerd. Against all better judgment, I'm going to a midnight showing of Episode III. Despite good reviews starting to trickle in like this one from USA Today (don't click if you want to stay spoiler-free), I'm completely prepared for disappointment. But my friend Tony made a convincing argument that this will be the last chance ever to do something silly like this for a Star Wars movie, and like the hopeless nostalgia-junkie that I am, I bought it. So at 12:06 AM Thursday morning, the fate of any future money I might spend on Star Wars merchandise will be decided. For the sake of my potentially tainted childhood memories, I hope George got it right this time.

Either way, I finally have an excuse to post a picture of Darth Vader on my blog. Kickass!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

soooo...how was it?