Ever get that feeling when you're watching a TV show that they're building up to something really big? That's the way I've felt about
Smallville this year (except for that idiotic
episode where Lana became a vampire). Besides the big sweeps stunt of revealing
James Marsters' evil master plan, there's been all kinds of portentious hints and sly references to the movies dropped this season, Lex is starting to slip into a supervillain's shoes, and Clark is slowly but surely embracing his superpowers. All of this seems to be leading to something very exciting at the end of the season. Will we finally see Tom Welling as Superman? It would make a lot of sense, since a stunt like that during May sweeps would coincide with what's likely to be a huge bout of Super-hype due to the summer release date for Bryan Singer's
Superman Returns. In fact, DC and Warner Bros. already have the synergy thing going, premiering the
teaser trailer for the new movie during this past week's Smallville episode. Looks like they really have tried to keep the tone of the first two Christoper Reeve films, even down to the music and using Marlon Brando's dialogue as Superman's birth father, Jor-El.
So what is in store for the show and the movie? Well, I could probably find out after 5 minutes on Google, but I think I'll just exercise restraint for once and enjoy the anticipation...
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