
The world is full of incompetent people

But I don't hate them. I just wish they would quit making my life so complicated. After putting in a 13-hour workday, I came home to find a second notice on a bill for a recent medical procedure that I underwent. I appear to have some type of difficulty communicating with hospital employees, because when I call them tomorrow, this will now be the third time I've had to call this same billing office at the same hospital because one of their drones entered my insurance number incorrectly. How hard can this be? I tell them the number, they punch the keys, it goes into the magic box with the glowy screen. The magic box makes paper come out of the printy thingy, and then somebody takes that paper and sends it to my insurance company. This in no way resembles rocket science.

I wish I had some fun and interesting goodies for you, but lately my waking hours have consisted of Photoshopping photos of fried food and toothless yet charming Hoosiers eating said food. Now that's excitement! No sir, never a dull moment here in the Circle City.

UPDATE: Turns out the hospital did resubmit my bill to my insurance and they paid almost all of it. The good folks at the hopsital billing office just forgot to update my account before sending out the 2nd notice on my no-longer-valid bill. So, not only did I save about $1,485, but I got an entire night of unnecessary stress for free!

1 comment:

Todd - MyFlightBlog.com said...

I think your true medical records can be found in Al Gore's "Lock Box".

As for your photoshop comment - What's wrong with fried foods. If everyone at Fried Cheese Curds once a day this would be a better world (short lived but a better world).