2-1 loss to Chelsea, played a rather ugly but fun round of golf, and ate a lot. It was a good chance to get out of Indianapolis for a few days, since work and other things have been taking their toll lately. In this case, absence certainly did not make my heart grow fonder of Indy, but then again, that phrase implies that you're fond of something to begin with.
Latest book: The trip also gave me a chance to read J.K. Rowling's latest novel/doorstop, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. After slogging through the last one, I wasn't terribly excited about starting this book, but that feeling quickly disappeared as soon as I started reading. Gone is the angry, bitter Harry from Book 5. Instead, Rowling gets back to the feeling of some of the earlier books (albeit with more hormones flying amongst the kids), with mystery and adventure taking center stage. I agree with some of the reviews I've read that said the action in this one felt a little rushed, but as is usually the case with the penultimate book in a long series, the events of Half Blood-Prince are mostly there to set up the denouement. I enjoyed this book so much that I finished it in a day and a half, and now I'm looking forward to what promises to be an exciting conclusion, whenever she manages to get it written.
Latest music: Billy Bragg. I've owned his first collaboration with Wilco, Mermaid Avenue, for a few years, but I had never really listened to his solo stuff until now. I picked up Don't Try This At Home at the library the other day, and I'm really enjoying it. His lyrics are very English, and his voice seems to be an acquired taste, but I've always liked it. The music falls somewhere between protest folk from the 60's and punk played on an acoustic guitar, and seems just about right for the current political situation in this country.
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