As if they didn't have enough of a rep as a bunch of money-grubbing fat cats who could care less about the environment, today comes a report that over the past 7 years, ExxonMobil apparently paid a variety of groups nearly $16 million to discredit global warming in different ways. Do they realize no one's forgotten the Valdez spill? The cleanup is still ongoing. So much for my wish for better news in '07.
It's disgusting what greed will do to people (although, a little protection and special treatment from your buddy in the White House usually helps make you feel invincible). Instead of learning a lesson from the Valdez and spending that $16 million to help the environment, EM spends it on trying to fool the public into thinking there's no such thing as global warming, and that we can just go right on using fossil fuels and filling their pockets. Preserve the bottom line at all costs. I guess there's some truth to that "root of all evil" thing. If there's any justice in the world, the next time their board of directors tour one of their refinieries, they'll all fall into a tank of crude and drown. At any rate, as the article says, this isn't the first time EM has been accused of this type of behavior, and two strikes is enough for me. I'll never buy gas from one of Exxon's subsidiaries again (thank you, Good magazine). I know a one-man boycott won't make any kind of dent in their bottom line, but it will make me feel a lot better.
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