Fairy Tales for Grownups

Above the Hype

Band of Gypsys

Games People Play

Sophomore Slump

The Running Man

Starting Point

Dark Matter

In the Drink


New Kid in Town

One of the blogs I've been reading lately is Obsessive Consumption, one woman's quest to track all of her purchases and through that, comment on our culture of consumerism. Each day, she posts an item that she purchased (either with a photo or a very cool sketchy line drawing). Lately, I've been trying to think of ways that my blog can better reflect its theme (that being how I spend my leisure time), and Obsessive Consumption's format has given me inspiration. So, from now on, each of my posts (hopefully daily) will deal with at least one thing I did that day during my free time. For example:
Rome: The Complete First Season. For the last couple of nights, I've been watching this immensely enjoyable HBO show (and really, are there any HBO shows that aren't?). Since it’s about to return with new episodes, I wanted to get caught up before the second season begins. I love that the show is historically accurate (at least by Hollywood standards), yet still interesting dramatically. Turns out sex, politics, and war makes for good TV. But who knew all Romans had British accents?

Lazy Sunday
Other than making a triumphant return to the racquetball court this morning, I didn't do much this weekend except watch movies and read comic books. After a very long 4-day week at work, it was nice to just chill and leave a Mike-shaped dent in the couch. Here's how I passed the time:
All About the Benjamins

As if they didn't have enough of a rep as a bunch of money-grubbing fat cats who could care less about the environment, today comes a report that over the past 7 years, ExxonMobil apparently paid a variety of groups nearly $16 million to discredit global warming in different ways. Do they realize no one's forgotten the Valdez spill? The cleanup is still ongoing. So much for my wish for better news in '07.
It's disgusting what greed will do to people (although, a little protection and special treatment from your buddy in the White House usually helps make you feel invincible). Instead of learning a lesson from the Valdez and spending that $16 million to help the environment, EM spends it on trying to fool the public into thinking there's no such thing as global warming, and that we can just go right on using fossil fuels and filling their pockets. Preserve the bottom line at all costs. I guess there's some truth to that "root of all evil" thing. If there's any justice in the world, the next time their board of directors tour one of their refinieries, they'll all fall into a tank of crude and drown. At any rate, as the article says, this isn't the first time EM has been accused of this type of behavior, and two strikes is enough for me. I'll never buy gas from one of Exxon's subsidiaries again (thank you, Good magazine). I know a one-man boycott won't make any kind of dent in their bottom line, but it will make me feel a lot better.
The New Year

Lots of post-Christmas pop culture stuff to wade through, but I'm too tired from rearranging my bedroom today. New year, new room... er, or something like that. Here's some links:
The Good Shepherd
Little Miss Sunshine
An Anthology of Graphic Fiction, Ivan Brunetti (ed.)
Songs for Christmas, Sufjan Stevens
The Information, Beck
Wolfmother, Wolfmother
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