Dear sweet God in Heaven. Why do sports teams do this? The New York Mets, purveyors of one of the sillier mascots in major sports, have created
a team song called "Our Team. Our Time.", alternately referred to it by its more appropriate title, "Weak-Ass Piece Of Shit Marketing Idea That Will Attract A Total Of Zero New Fans To Mets Games And Instead Probably Offend And Drive Away The Very Hip-Hop Fans It Was Misguidedly Created To Attract". And honestly, how can anyone think it's a good idea to create a team song that lists the names of the players on the team? With the way players jump around these days, the Mets will be updating this thing every month. But hey, maybe spliced-in lines will give them a chance to improve this blight on the ears of humanity.

On the other side of the coin, I just downloaded Matthew Sweet and Susanna Hoffs'
Under the Covers, Vol. 1, and it is every bit as good as I expected it to be. There's a couple of tracks I that could take or leave, but at least 90% of the album is quality. Run out and buy it, kids.
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