I wanted to take a moment to thank you so much for fucking up my sleep cycle. You had a chance to do things right. Pushing to move Indiana into the 20th century by putting the state on Daylight Saving Time was the right idea. Unfortunately, you blew it, pissing away any points you had earned when you picked the wrong time zone. Thanks to your genius (and I'm sure the considerable influence of your businessmen friends), Indiana just had to be on the same time as New York City... 700 miles to the east. Central time just wasn't good enough, even though Chicago, located right on the Indiana border, doesn't have any problems doing business with New York. "But wait," you said, "think of the extra hour of sunlight that golf courses can stay open! Kids' baseball games can be played later! Businesses will make more money because people will stay out in the light." Well, I have some bad news for you. I (and just about everyone else in this state) wake up in the dark every morning. I'm already in the hole, because I start the day tired, and that sure as hell doesn't make me want to stay out later at night. As if it wasn't already hard enough getting out of bed since businesses here are still living on farm time and want their employees get to work at the crack of dawn. Not to mention, DST has barely started, and it's already staying light until almost 9 pm, right around the time most businesses are closing. What's it going to be like in July when it stays light until 11:00? Remember that movie with Al Pacino and Robin Williams in Alaska, where Pacino can't get any sleep because it's light all the time? Now imagine an entire state of people like that. Meet your constituents. Going to bed when it's light is not a prescription for a good night's sleep. People are hardwired to go to bed in the dark and get up when it's light, not the other way around. An exhausted workforce is not a productive workforce. So all that extra money you're planning on making? Good luck with that. Putting the state on DST was the right decision; there's nothing wrong with an extra hour of sun each day. But you managed to put that hour at the wrong end of the day, and when the government can't even get something as simple as DST right, I don't have a whole lot of faith in their ability to do the rest of their job. Unfortunately, this is Indiana, and it's doubtful that the Democrats are going to take over anytime soon. So Mitch, don't be surprised when all that's left in Indiana are a bunch of farmers and old people who get up in the dark anyway. The rest of us will be moving to states that recognize the value of waking up with the sun.
(Hey, if Katie Couric can make career decisions based on the fact that she doesn't want to get up in the dark anymore, then so can I. Because I like to take all my life cues from celebrities, especially ones I can't stand.) Now that my grumpy old man rant is taken care of, on to the good stuff:

I stopped by Luna Music while out enjoying the weather yesterday. See below for a list of the CDs I bought. Stupid listening stations.
You can't stand Katie Couric??? Geez, you are a cinic aren't you?
Did you not read the rest of the post? Isn't it obvious that I'm not a morning person? The last I need in the morning is to see her overly chipper Botoxed face.
Besides, it's totally obvious that she's the embodiment of unholy evil.
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