

My friends Nikki and Tom, being the adventuresome couple that they are (you may remember them as my hosts on our Alaskan Adventure back in August and September of '04), recently took a trip to Churchill, Canada to see polar bears in their natural habitat.

It sounds like an incredibly interesting trip, involving several days on a tundra buggy that sounds like it was like a moving camp bunk, but it led to some amazing photos by Tom. As I've mentioned before (and as anyone who's checked out the links on the right side of the page will know), Tom has his own website and is a rather accomplished nature and aerial photographer, but these polar bear photos are some of the most spectacular I've seen from him. But don't take my word for it. Take a look for yourself. A picture, as they say, is worth a thousand words. I'm particularly in love with "Peace on Earth Vertical". While you're there, please take the time to check out some of his other albums as well.

1 comment:

jsa said...

These pictures are amazing! I love "Hi". I love that they take these kinds of trips. I love polar bears.

So cute.