
Want to be REALLY scared about the next four years?

Read Bob Jones III's congratulatory letter to President Bush.

Here's an influential voice from Bush's strongest group of supporters. I'm not getting much in the way of Christian tolerance and charity from this letter. Instead, there's sentiments like this one:

"Pull out all the stops and make a difference. If you have weaklings around you who do not share your biblical values, shed yourself of them. Conservative Americans would love to see one president who doesn't care whether he is liked, but cares infinitely that he does right."

Great idea. Let's get rid of all those "weaklings". If we had followed that line of thinking, the world would still be stuck in the Dark Ages, since most of the greatest people of the past 500 years probably wouldn't have "shared biblical values" with W. And if there's anything Bush has shown in his first term, it's that he doesn't care about being liked. After all, why should it matter what anybody else thinks? We're America, dammit!!!

I hope God has a particularly nasty section of Hell set aside for those people who use their "Christian faith" as an excuse to push their agenda of closed-mindedness and intolerance.

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