
There are some lines you shouldn't cross

In all the discussions about Friday's Pacers-Pistons-punk-ass Detroit fans brawl and resulting suspensions, there's been a lot of talk about lines that shouldn't be crossed (in this case, players entering the stands).

Well, here's another line that didn't need to be crossed. Traffic Games of Scotland has created a video game that puts you Lee Harvey Oswald's shoes, making you the shooter in a recreation of the assassination of John F. Kennedy. No matter how much the people at Traffic insist they have the utmost respect for JFK, I find it hard to believe that the world just couldn't live without this game. Knowing how deeply JFK's death affected my parents' generation, I'm sure they'd be disgusted by this game. And so am I.

1 comment:

Todd - MyFlightBlog.com said...

I agree the Assassination of a world leader American or otherwise is not a good format for a video game.

What more could game players need than good wholesome fun like Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas?