
Damn you, George Lucas!

Why, why, why can't you make a movie like The Incredibles? A seamless blend of CGI, adrenaline-heavy action sequences, and (most importantly) a great story. What a fantastic movie! I went in not expecting much, and was blown away by what turned out to be the best action movie I've seen in years. The second act of the film had supervillains and secret hideaways as good as any of the Connery-era James Bond flicks, and the climactic battle was action-packed without containing too many obvious cliches. Another home run from Pixar (a company which Lucas used to own at one point).

And getting back to old George, the teaser trailer for Star Wars: Episode III ran before The Incredibles. After being so disappointed by Episodes I and II, I promised myself I wasn't going to get excited about this one. But when the theme music kicks in, the screen goes black and the ominous mechanical breathing starts, it's impossible not to go all fanboy. Follow that up with rapid fire cuts to lightsaber duels, the dulcet tones of James Earl Jones, Natalie Portman looking lovely as ever, and more Wookies than you can shake a stick at, and it's a done deal that Lucasfilm is getting my money again. Check it out the trailer at starwars.com

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