Radiohead for babies. Seriously?
Seriously. Expect the drug companies to introduce depression drugs for infants any day now. I mean, listen to
the mp3 sample. Are these people out of their gourds? Anyone who remembers one day of their own childhood knows that
xylophones + minor key songs = creepy as shit. As if Radiohead's not disturbing enough already. Although personally, I think it sounds kinda cool. But I'm sure not subjecting any newborns to it.
This would have been so much cooler if Radiohead had made an album of lullabies under an assumed name. "Babyohead", anyone?
Parents should just play them the real stuff.
Here at our casa, we like They Might Be Giants' kids stuff...check out track #6. Catchy.
All of TMBG's stuff sounds like kids stuff to me. Gyroscopes!
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