OK, I made part of that quote up. But I'm not telling which part. It really wouldn't be fair to Jen. She's very private.
As I was adding The Hobbit to my "Read" list over on the right side there, I Googled the title. Sigh. People have too much time on their hands.
Music: The Magic Numbers. I have yet to find a US release date for this album, but as soon as I can buy it, I will. The few tracks I've gotten my hands on are just plain good. It sounds kind of like the B-52s without all the silliness and camp. Actually, that doesn't describe their music at all. Forget I said that. Just listen to the sample clips or download some songs off a file-sharing network or do whatever it is you kids do to get your music these days.
Jen is hot. And the fact that she's born 48 hours after me, has an estranged relationship with her father, a constant struggle with hair styles...all just reiterate my kinship and resulting girl crush on her. Kristy McNichol had to be replaced at some point, anyway.
Finding time to write this yet not post my own stuff. Somethin's not right about that!
As soon as you start posting, I'll give you a link...
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