
Come on in. Don't be frightened.

For those of you just joining us, welcome to our live coverage of MLS Cup ’97 from RFK Stadium. I’ve decided to start a blog. I know a lot of people tend to tie their blogs to some kind of major event in their lives, but I’m doing mine as a way to let my family and friends keep up with my life, whether they live in Indiana, Maryland, New Jersey, Ohio, DC, Michigan, New York, or anywhere else around the globe.

Upcoming events that will be covered on this page include: my first attempt at coaching youth soccer, the ongoing saga of redesigning Indianapolis Monthly (the magazine that pays my bills), my current obsession with Will Ferrell’s impersonation of President Bush, and my upcoming week in Alaska. Enjoy.

1 comment:

Todd - MyFlightBlog.com said...

Nice historic MLS reference. Best of luck with the coaching opportunity and with the blog!