
High expectations

I just got back from seeing Garden State. As I've said before, the trailer for this movie could be the perfect movie preview, not to mention it was named for and shot in the state of my birth, so this film had a lot to live up to before I even got into the theater. Well, I'm happy to report, I was not disappointed. It was alternately quirky, sad, haunting, silly, and beautiful. The cinematography was gorgeous (and if you can make New Jersey look beautful, that's saying something) and the soundtrack was excellent. And I am totally in love with Natalie Portman. She's a pretty talented actress, although you'd never know by the way she gets misused in big budget films (*cough*Attack of the Clones*cough*). There's a scene where she and Zach Braff are just getting to know each other and are sitting on the bed in her room that is one of the most realistic things I've ever seen in a film. The awkward anticipation of two people who have just met but are already attracted to each other is dead on. The only thing that felt a little forced to me was Zach Braff's relationship with his father (Ian Holm), and the film's resolution. But that wasn't enough to keep me from enjoying it. I'd recommend it, I'd go see it again, and I'll buy the DVD. Good stuff.

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