
Finally... MTV remembers what (part of) their initials stand for

Well, hidey-ho, everybody. MTV has gone back to the future by putting every single video from their entire archive up on their new website. Every free second I had over the next two months is now accounted for. See you in 2009!

Here’s one to start you off:


jsa said...

Holy crap. You are single handedly finding ways for me to waste away every spare second of my life.

jsa said...

Oh, and look what one I came across right off the bat!:


Mike said...

Ha! That was one of the first ones I watched after Sweet Child! Such a classic.

I also watched "Infatuation" by Rod Stewart < http://www.mtvmusic.com/video/?id=33628 >, since that was the first video I ever saw on MTV. The whole creepy stalker storyline seems a bit odd now.