2. First Try… Tracy Chapman
3. Fingers Of Love… Crowded House
4. Fortress Around Your Heart… Sting
5. Forget About It… Alison Krauss
6. Fire Island, AK… The Long Winters
7. Fake… The Frames
8. Florida Silver Springs… The Impossible Shapes
9. Forty Mile Town… Eric Johnson
10. Fans… Kings of Leon
11. Fake Palindromes… Andrew Bird
12. Four Winds… Bright Eyes
13. Fall On Every Whim… Longwave
14. Flowermound… Collin Herring
15. Four-Eyed Girl… Rhett Miller
16. Friends of P… The Rentals
17. Finest Role… The Samples
18. For What It’s Worth… The Cardigans
19. Fake Empire… The National
20. Find The River… R.E.M.
21. Forever Young… Youth Group
no "40"???
Not unless it was spelled "Forty". That will be on mix #27, Songs That Start With Numbers and Punctuation.
You know I love cheesy music, with 80's synth pop being at the top of that list.
So I'm cringing that you chose Youth Group's version of Forever Young. Youth Group? Were you watching the OC with the Lee all these years?
I will spot you $3 if you go to iTunes, and download Alphaville's Forever Young (my senior prom theme, btw), Big in Japan and Dance with Me.
You're welcome. ;)
Whatever, yo. Youth Group is the poor man's James.
Besides, after the O.M.D. track I put on the "D" mix, I need a break from 80's synth pop. Look for it to come back around "J" (as in "Just Can't Get Enough").
Good golly ... there's a poor man's James?? 8-)
I kid, I kid - they're your compilations, after all. But does Youth Group end the song with a chorus of synthed out trumpets? boo.ya.
And there is room for cheesy synth on every letter of the alphabet's cd. :)
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