Ladies and gentlemen, all aboard for the next stop on the Idle World Tour: Denver, CO. It's with a small amount of sadness and a heapin' plate of excitement that I bid farewell to the Circle City. Other than a few people I'll be leaving behind (one young lady
very much in particular), I can't say there's a lot about Indy that I'm going to miss. I tend to follow the George Costanza line of thinking... I'm goin' out on top, Jerry. I've done what I wanted to do here, I've gotten about as much as I could out of my time, and when I knew I was ready to leave, an ideal opportunity came along to take me to Denver. I can't ask for much more than that. Also, the thought of living in a city where's people's first inclination is to go outside and play is literally a breath of fresh air, especially after spending three years amongst the overweight tobacco slaves of Indy. So in just about a month, I'm off to greener pastures and higher altitudes. As some of you may remember from
the very early days of this blog, I do love me some outdoorsy-type activities.
More, obviously, to come on this rather dramatic and important development.
Congrats again! I look forward to visiting Denver.
From the end spring new beginnings.
~Pliny the Elder
In other words, on to bigger and better things!
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